
Bylaws of the CSN-NFA


Section A: To work for the welfare and advancement of CSN faculty and post-secondary public education.

Section B: To maintain proper professional and educational standards to create clearly defined and equitable procedures within the institution’s governance structure for prompt consideration of problems and grievances of members.


Section A: Any professional staff member who may be admitted to the NFA shall also be a member of the CSN Chapter and AAUP.

Section B: The Executive Committee shall convene at least two general membership meetings each semester.


Section A: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Legal Defense Chair, Membership /Collective Bargaining Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate past President. Immediate past President shall be a non-voting member. The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Chapter.

Section B: The term of office for elected members shall begin on July 1 and shall be for twenty-four months.

Section C: Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled initially by appointment by that body. Appointees shall fill unexpired term.

Section D: The Executive Committee shall interpret the provisions of the By-Laws, administer elections, approve disbursements, formulate and administer the budget, and make decisions on all matters concerning the implementations of NFA policy.

Section E: The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each semester; this requirement may be met by telephone conference calls. Three members shall constitute the quorum necessary to proceed with business. There shall be no use of proxies in Executive Committee meetings.


Section A: Any member may be nominated for office. Elections will be held by secret ballot. If no candidate wins a majority of votes cast in an election, a run-off election between the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be held. Regular elections will be coordinated by an Election Committee. The Election Committee will be composed of two CSN NFA-AAUP regular members who are not running in the election. Elected positions will be advertised in March of an election year; nominations will be accepted in April; elections will be held in May.

Section B: Upon presentation to the Executive Committee of a petition signed by twenty-five percent of Chapter membership seeking a recall of an elected officer, a recall election shall be held within thirty days. If a majority of votes cast are in favor of recall, such position shall become vacant immediately. A replacement election will occur within 30 days.

Section C: Interim vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled in a manner consistent with Article Ill, Section C, except in the case of a vacancy in the office of the President; Vice-President shall assume the office of President. A new Vice-President shall be elected in a manner consistent with Article lll, Section C.

Section D: The Executive Committee shall appoint chairpersons of ad hoc committees and members of all committees.


Section A: The President shall preside over meetings. He/she shall work with Executive Committee to generate meeting agendas, receive and distribute meeting minutes, and aid in publishing the Chapter updates. She/he shall serve as the Chapter’s State Board Representative, make recommendations for appointments to standing and ad hoc committees, provide leadership in the formulation of Chapter committees and activities, and serve as a member ex-officio on all standing committees.

Section B: The Vice President shall, in the event of the President’s absence during a meeting, assume the duties of the President. If the President is unable to complete his/her term of office, that Office shall be filled by the Vice President.

Section C: The Legal Defense Chair shall assist members in pursuing grievances and in resolving disputes with CSN administration. The Legal Defense Committee shall also recommend to the Executive Committee whether certain issues should be considered by the NFA State Executive Board. The First Vice-President shall nominate candidates for the Legal Defense.

Section D: The Membership and Collective Bargaining Chair shall meet with the NFA President or his/her designee at least once annually to coordinate membership enhancement efforts. The Membership Committee shall issue a written report on its achievements in May of each year. The Membership and Collective Bargaining Chair shall serve as chair of the Collective Bargaining Council.

Section E: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all regular meetings and furnish copies of all proceedings to the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall assist the Committee to produce and disperse updates in the form of emails, blog, or newsletter for the Chapter.

Section F: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining CSN/NFA accounts and accurate, up-to-date financial records. The Treasurer shall provide a quarterly report on the budget to the membership and work with NFA State Conference to requisition funds.


Robert’s Rules of Order as revised shall be the authority on matters of procedure not otherwise addressed in these By-Laws.


Amendment to the By-Laws may be proposed by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee or by petition of ten percent (10%) of more of the membership. The amendment must be submitted by ballot for a vote of all the membership of CSN/NFA, and will be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the ballots cast. The Executive Committee shall have the right to provide written comments on proposed amendments prior to the vote on ratification.


Officers, directors and members of this organization shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of the organization.


The By-Laws shall come into effect immediately following approval of two-thirds of members voting.

Edited January 2014