CSN-NFA Chapter Officers
Chapter officers serve two-year terms. Our current board was elected in Spring 2024 and will serve through the Spring semester of 2026. When they reach out for your vision and energy to serve in chapter communication, collective bargaining planning, membership organizing, and campus stewardship, please heed the call!
Why not plan for the future? Only dues-paying NFA members may serve as elected officers and may vote in chapter elections (Spring 2026 is coming) for them: that’s two more reasons to join NFA! (Press the button for downloadable fillable file to submit by email.)
President: Jill Acree
Vice President: Ted Chodock
Chair, Bargaining: Staci Walters
Chair, Membership: Carla Doran
Treasurer: Colleen Harrington
Secretary: Emily King
Campus Stewards:
Charleston Campus: Julian Barroso-Merino
Henderson Campus: Luis Ortega
North Las Vegas Campus: Linda Foreman
Committee Chairs:
Membership: Carla Doran
Communications: Joe Hassert
Legislative Action: Glynda White
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA): Andrea Brown
Administrative Faculty: Jeff Fulmer